About Me

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Well...Simply put, I'm like an onion. Not like an Ogre, for you Shrek lovers...I have many layers. I never thought I'd start a Blog but thanks to my sister and my recent desire to put myself out there...well, you get it...here I am! I'm a momma to my lil girl, I work full time, and I'm taking a few courses at Chemeketa. Yes, I know very busy but I like it that way :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

White pants?!

Clothes shopping: Not my forte'!! I have a lot of dressy type clothes for my office job but I've stocked up on clothes for over 3 years and now I can fit back into most of my pre-baby clothes my closet's full. Full in that, 'Ugh, I've worn these a million times, I just want something exciting, fresh!'...but I'm getting off topic. So, I go in with 1 item on the list, blue jeans. I've tried on every pair in the store (or so it seemed) and nothing was working but I wasnt leaving empty handed. Typical the only pair of pants I find that fit the way I like are WHITE!! The store attendant seemed to think she approved but do I have the courage to wear them?

On to other news...Potty training update: We've hit a rough spot since I've returned to work but with the gracious patience of my sister...my daughter is in fabulous hands to continue this trek. I have faith! :)

For those of you that know me well, I've always had my hair a certain way...Long. I felt the urge for a change and along with a cut (chop) I got some color. You should also know I dont color my hair often and when I do its NEVER blonde or blonde highlights. I tend to play the safe game. Until now....

Look close and you'll see highlights of purple. NO, its not the reflection or camera glare off the flowers...its really my hair and I LOVE IT. Thx Andrea :)

Until next time, thanks for tuning in with Bloggers world where each day is never the same as the last!

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